Daniel's Authenticity!

Question: How do we determine the authenticity of the Book of Daniel, considering it was written by an anonymous author not by King Nebuchadnezzar as is claimed?


The doubt cast on Daniel as the authentic author of “the Book of Daniel”; is in large part the result of pseudo human ‘scholarship’, by people seeking notoriety as authentic Scholars!

It was encouraged in the last 150 years in Academia, as it seemed to many, that it was ”too accurate to history” to be authentic.

The fact that Daniel has been examined by many authentic Bible Scholars such as Josephus, and many of the “Church Fathers” and Jewish Academics, does not seem to be taken seriously by the sceptics.

In the last 150 years or so two eminent Bible Scholars, Dr. David Ginsburg of Ancient Jewish Literature fame; and Dr. E.W. Bullinger, both Greek and Hebrew Scholars, have endorsed Daniel as authentic, and have added their own Notation in the “Companion Bible”.  Dr. Ginsburg's comments add considerably to the Notes, as his standing as a Hebrew scholar and Rabbi gives considerable force to the Narrative!

Daniel is considered to be “the Apocalypse of the Old Testament”; and stands in the third division of the “Hagiographa”; and is pertaining as to what is yet future!



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